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Paul-and-BertAfter years of avoiding becoming a writer by making TVC’s and corporate media (and a stint in digital) Paul was finally forced into it when he found himself miserable because he wasn’t following his calling. He sat down and wrote The Dunes, a crime thriller set in his coastal hometown which went on to Quarter final in the Nicholl (2016).

Paul has just completed his second feature (dark comedy/drama) Snake Oil.

Currently he is working on a Psychological Thriller Feature, and a limited TV series focusing on the fallout for women whose partners are convicted of accessing child abuse material.

While his work is currently not linked by genre it is thematically linked – Paul has an obsession with people behaving badly. Whether it be criminals or everyday people looking for shortcuts, he is intrigued by the efforts people put into these ‘quick fixes’ and the effort it then takes to get out the situations that arise.
When he’s not writing or thinking about writing he can be found surfing (badly), golfing (horribly), sailing (miserably), or firefighting (pretty competently).
